SteamCMD and Workshop Browser

SteamCMD is a tool released by Valve that RimSort optionally integrates with in order to download Steam Workshop mods without Steam and or a copy of RimWorld on steam. RimSort’s built in Workshop Browser allows you to navigate the Steam Workshop directly and select mods to download via SteamCMD.

RimSort supports updating of mods installed via SteamCMD, meaning that you can have finer control over whenever or not you wish to update Steam Workshop mods versus directly using Steam.

Table of Contents

  1. Setting up SteamCMD
  2. Using the Workshop Browser
  3. Updating SteamCMD Mods
  4. Troubleshooting SteamCMD

Setting up SteamCMD

Using the Workshop Browser

Updating SteamCMD Mods

Troubleshooting SteamCMD

SteamCMD being an external tool, has a different set of logs. You can find them at your SteamCMD install location which may depend on your personal RimSort instance setup.

You can find your current SteamCMD install location in the settings panel under SteamCMD > SteamCMD installation location. The logs are located in the subfolder logs of SteamCMD.

Occassionally, SteamCMD may have unwanted behavior such as download failures, reinstallation of deleted mods, etc. Assuming that your issue is not a connection issue where your computer is unable to communicate with Valve’s servers, consider the following steps.

  • Clear your SteamCMD depotcache
  • Clear your .acf file

Both of these steps can be done manually, or via RimSort in the settings panel under the SteamCMD tab as of version v1.0.11.

RimSort currently relies on the data in the .acf file when checking for mod updates for SteamCMD mods. Deleting and or clearing the .acf file may cause potential issues with updating SteamCMD mods.