
RimSort uses external databases in order to improve certain functions like sorting and dependency handling. They are not included with the releases, but we provide tools to easily install and update them. They are completely optional and are not required for basic operations, but the extra data they provide RimSort can greatly improve the user experience.

Databases can be configured in the settings under Databases.

Table of Contents

  1. Community Rules Database
  2. Steam Workshop Database
  3. Working with databases via RimSort Git integration
    1. Prerequisite: Install Git for your respective platform.
    2. Cloning a database for use with RimSort:
    3. Uploading a database (Write access to a repository is required for you to be able to upload):

Community Rules Database

The community rules database is a collection of load order rules compiled by the community. While it is always best for mod authors to add the appropriate load order rules to their about.xml files, sometimes mod authors are unresponsive for one reason or another. As such, we instead compile these extra rules with notes into a public and community driven database. This database is also compatible with RimSort specific load rules such as Force load at bottom of list.

Steam Workshop Database

For information on how to build or update the Steam Workshop Database, see this page

The Steam Workshop Database (Steam DB) is primarily used to provide additional dependency data. This information can only be gathered by crawling the Steam Workshop and downloading the workshop mods to parse mod data. By having a static database, users do not need to have these mods downloaded in order to access this information.

Working with databases via RimSort Git integration

Prerequisite: Install Git for your respective platform.

This is used to download/upload a Steam Workshop Database (steamDB.json) or a Community Rules Database (communityRules.json) so that it may be collaborated on and shared.

Step 3, setting up a GitHub identity is only required if you wish to upload your database directly to a configured GitHub repository via a pull request through RimSort. It is not required for simply downloading the database via Git from a public repository or for modifying the database locally. You can also just make a pull request yourself on GitHub without configuring GitHub within RimSort.

  1. Create a remote repository, or use an existing repository. GitHub repositories have additional optional integration within RimSort.

  2. Configure the repository URL in RimSort via the Settings panel under Databases.

  3. Optional! Configure your GitHub identity in RimSort under Advanced. You will need to know your GitHub username, as well as have a personal access token created for RimSort with Repo permission granted.

  4. Once you are satisfied with the changes you made to your database, you can share it via the built-in functions for your respective database.

Cloning a database for use with RimSort:

This video is outdated and may not be accurate for the latest versions of RimSort.

Uploading a database (Write access to a repository is required for you to be able to upload):

This video is outdated and may not be accurate for the latest versions of RimSort.